"Larry Hagman: a life in pictures" (sursa: .guardian.co.uk) ... Eu am credinta ca sufletele bune si nobile nu pier niciodata, iar dnul Hagman chiar asa era: un om cum rar gasesti, in viata si mai ales in... showbiz. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca! I believe that good and noble souls never die, and Mr. Hagman was so: you rarely find a man like him in life and especially in ... showbiz. God rest his soul! ... Pana si… raul JR Ewing era in realitate un… familist convins, in primul rand fiindca Larry Hagman si-a pus clar si definitiv amprenta asupra personajului. Even ... the evil JR Ewing was actually a ... family man, primarily because Larry Hagman set a clear and definitive mark on this character. ... DALLAS NEW SERIES: S1/EP.9: "Family Business" (sursa: filmeonlinerx.net) Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray and Larry Hagman interview Dallas (sursa: YouTube ) ... "Larry Hagman Charity Work, Events and Causes" (sursa...