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Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2013

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Partea esentiala/The essential

Daca ratezi partea esentiala a vietii, restul e (*aproape)... degeaba - If you miss an essential part/the essential of life, the rest is (*almost)... nothing/in vain.                                                                                                                          P. I.  Va las pe voi/pe dumneavoastra*, fireste, profitand de finalul de an si de apropiatele, frumoasele/fe...

Expecting December/Nostalgii

P. Ionescu Expecting December It is more then here and now,  And holidays mesmerized By a very nice and cheerful Santa, By a Christmas when I hold you tidily in my arms – A wonderful promise; And everywhere is white, Not like a whitening, frozen soul, of course, But like a lasting, magic season. And everything is love/loving…   Don’t you thing, (my*) darling?! Bucharest , the 30th of November 2013, 20:11  … La mulţi ani, Romania! /Happy birthday,(my*)Romania!      The continuity/perpetuity and... the happiness of Romania are given by its people and its/ their ... values! In my opinion , today , for example - the incredible power of adaptability./ În opinia mea, azi, de exemplu - puterea incredibila a adaptabilitatii.   ... Si pentru ca tot aminteam de fericire... Bonus (să-i spunem aşa): o initiativa care pare, dupa cum lasă să se creada  medietizarea sa -, pusa pe fapte mari, pu...